Berlin-based artists Juliane Götz and Sebastian Neitsch show their work process for the exhibition "Supraspectives" (2020) at Tabakalera. The aim of their processes is to bring art and science together and to make artists take inspiration from scientists and vice versa.
Tabakalera-denbora" is an audiovisual project produced by Tabakalera with the participation of LABe, Zineuskadi, Etxepare Euskal Institutua, Filmoteca Vasca, EQZE Zine Eskola, San Sebastian Film Festival and Kutxa Kultur.
# Art, science, DiPC, Silvia Bonoli, Raúl Angulo, astrophysics, technology, contemporary art, astronomy, Elon Musk, activism, exhibition, Orbits, space junk, medialab, workshops, public.