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Ship’s Logbooks | Videowall

Videowall at the entrance to the exhibition.
Video of the audiovisual exhibition on the European Capital of Culture, Donostia / San Sebastian 2016. It was divided into 3 areas or beacons (Life, Peace, Voices) that explored all the activities carried out during the year of the Capital of Culture, and an introduction that reflected the work processes during the candidacy and the development of the final project.
The exhibition was purely audiovisual. Thirty-four synchronised monitors, six interactive screens, and a projection of the opinions and experiences of some of the protagonists of the project were used.

  • ProjectDSS2016EU
  • Year2016
  • PeopleLuisa Etxenike, Mattjis Mausen, Jonan Fernández, Xavier Mínguez, Pedro G. Romero, Ana Pimenta, Teresa Calo, Julián Jiménez de Opacua, Olatz Prat, Joxan Goikoetxea, Federico Guzmán, Magdalena Labarga, Katerina Yiannibas, Nanelia Walfenzao, Sebastián Goikoetxea, Ixiar García, Mikel Malkorra, Xabier Madina, Karmele Ruiz de Azúa, Paul Bilbao, Mikel Mat... More.
  • ClientFundación DSS2016
  • TeamAsun Lasarte, Carlos Rodríguez, Leire Ferro Leturia, Imanol Salaberria, Asier García, Itizar Iraola, Amaia Santamaría, Iñaki Mato, TGA Asociados, Santiago Noain, Druck, MediaVox Estudio, Alberto Catenacci, David López
  • PlaceDonostia / San Sebastián
  • VersionSpanish, basque, english, french
  • ClassVideo-installation
  • CategoryExhibitions
  • + Info
  • ID20231110004