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Donostia, city of festivals

Presentation of 'Donostia, city of festivals' at the Teatriz theatre in Madrid, coinciding with the reopening of the Victoria Eugenia theatre after its refurbishment. The event included the presentation of the audiovisual 'Cámara negra' by Morgancrea on the history of the theatre.

  • ProjectVictoria Eugenia antzokia
  • Year2007
  • PeopleCarlos Rodríguez, Javi P3z, Jaione Askasibar, Antonio Canales, Odón Elorza, Álvaro de Luna, Imanol Uribe, Asun Lasarte, Alicia Luna, Marisa Paredes, Pilar Bardem, Álex Angulo, Miguel Martín, Andoni Alonso, Mitxel Ezquiaga, Mikel Olaciregui, Edurne Ormazabal, Koldo Serra, Lucía Etxeberria, Mikel Erentxun, Iñaki Gabilondo, Ramon Etxezarreta, Las Vene... More.
  • ClientSan Sebastian Town Hall
  • TeamAsun Lasarte, Elena García Quevedo, Mikel Yarza
  • PlaceSala Teatriz (Madrid)
  • Date2007-06-13
  • VersionSpanish
  • ClassReport
  • CategoryFestivals & Events
  • + Info
  • ID20240111006