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69SSIFF | Summary #6

Video summary of the day at the 69th San Sebastian Festival.

# Enquête sur un scandale d'etat, Johnny Depp, Donostia Award, The Daughter, Official Jury, Un Monde, Aurora, Once Upon a Time in the Basque Country, Irabazi arte, Paolo Sorrentino, Nest Awards, Ouistreham, Industry Awards

  • Project69SSIFF
  • Year2021
  • ClientSan Sebastian Festival
  • TeamTV Festival (Morgancrea), Asun Lasarte, Carlos Rodríguez, Shandra Martínez, Iñaki Mato, Laura Lizuma, Zigor Etxebeste, Elisabet Cabeza, Kauri Ximon Jauregi, Kim Maiteny, Garazi Errazkin, Nerea Galarza, Idoia Noble, Heidi Otaduy, Quartan, Laszlo Hace, Láser Audiovisuales, Akhonmedia
  • PlaceDonostia / San Sebastián
  • Date2021-09-22
  • ClassReport
  • CategoryFestivals & Events
  • + Info
  • ID20231030027