Report on the San Sebastian Festival's 'Thought and Debate' area, which reflects on the constantly changing international film scene and the challenges facing international festivals.
PeoplePablo La Parra, Amaia Serrulla, Elisabet Cabeza, Aaron Sorkin, Marc Orts, Elena Neira, Francisco Ramos, Ted Hope, John Hopewell
ClientSan Sebastian Festival
TeamAsun Lasarte, Carlos Rodríguez, Shandra Martínez, Iñaki Mato, Laura Lizuma, Zigor Etxebeste, Elisabet Cabeza, Kauri Ximon Jauregi, Gabriel Rojas, Nerea Galarza, Aitor Iñarra, Mikel Rebollo, Heidi Otaduy, Quartan, Laszlo Hace